Microdosing Caapi and Bobinsana can help you find answers to big questions – but how does this all work? What are these plants and how can they help you? And what is microdosing anyways?
Microdosing Caapi and Bobinsana can help you find answers to big questions – but how does this all work? What are these plants and how can they help you? And what is microdosing anyways?
(more…)Picture this: what if there is something deep, hidden inside of you. A great power. A great strength. A great secret.
A great understanding that, if you could access it, everything would change.
But in order to access it, you have to go deep within.
The Native American tradition of the Vision Quest is one way to go within – to access that potential within. Let’s talk about what it is, why we need it, and six ways to tell it’s time for your vision quest…
(more…)“Are we going to take drugs here?” The first time someone invited me to go into a plant medicine ceremony, I wasn’t sure what to think:
“Is this even legal? Is this some kind of cult?”
(more…)Psychedelics are no longer just “hippie drugs!” Scientific studies show that psychedelics (such as psilocybin mushrooms) have positive effects on our emotional intelligence, mental alertness, psychological health, and can even help treat addictions.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg – so much more research needs to be done to prove to Western minds what the shamans of old already knew: that plants HEAL!
Here are 8 ways that science has found that psychedelics can improve your life:
A 2019 study revealed that microdosing over a period of time improved the productivity and mental alertness of those who participated. Many even reported long term benefits such as improved absorption of material, such as when listening to music or seeing art.
See Microdosing: A Journey into the Unknown on Jesse.tv for more about this study.
Scientists actually did a study in which they found a correlation between psychedelics and the dissolution of the ego – or in other words, killing the ego. Their research shows that psychedelics could help in shedding the sense of self, or ego.
And this aligns perfectly with the acclaimed leadership style known as “servant leadership.” Servant leadership is the idea philosophy that the leader is there to serve the people, rather than the people working to serve the leader.
Check out Three Ways that Psilocybin Truffles can Help You Become a Great Leader on Jesse.tv for more about this study.
Studies show that controlled use of psilocybin truffles can rewire the brain such that PTSD and depression can be treated. This was especially effective in patients who had previously suffered from treatment-resistant depression.
See Psilocybin: Meet Your New Therapist on Jesse.tv for more about this study.
While you can’t become “smarter” from taking psilocybin truffles, one study did show that microdosing truffles can improve your ability to think outside-the-box. And we all know that sometimes the greatest minds are those who are thinking outside-the-box!
Check out Microdosing: A Journey into the Unknown on Jesse.tv for more about this study.
In the Western world, we believe: “Let me see it first, then I’ll believe…” And in native tribes around the world, the belief is the complete opposite: “Let us first believe and THEN we will SEE…”
Studies have shown that Psilocybin can literally rewire your brain – it can rewire the way you see and think. So basically, psilocybin can give you a new perspective on a situation, and thus give you heightened empathy for the other people involved. Because you are rewiring your brain, you are rewiring the way that you perceive the world.
See Three Ways that Psilocybin Truffles can Help You Become a Great Leader on Jesse.tv for more about this study.
Research shows that DMN (the Default Mode Network) is the part of our brain that kicks in when we “daydream” or become distracted by thoughts. When DMN is deactivated, we experience focus – presence. And studies show that psilocybin mushrooms effectively rewired and decreased DMN activity in those who volunteered for the study!
Plus – another study was done examining the impact of magic mushrooms on the “Big Five” elements of personality: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. While many traits remained the same before and after the experiment, many scored higher on “openness” after the trip.
Check out these articles on Jeses.tv for more:
It is often difficult to change aspects of ourselves after a certain age – we become kind of “fixed.” In fact, many believe that after 30 years old, it becomes difficult to change. However, one study showed that regardless of your age, it is possible to change with the help of magic truffles. Participants showed significant and lasting personality changes that were apparent even months after the tests were completed.
See Age is Just a Number on Jesse.tv for more about this study.
Many participants in studies report significant shifts in their lives after going through clinical studies – and often times this leads to the cessation of addictions. In fact, psilocybin is thought to play a helpful role in treating cigarette addictions.
Check out Age is Just a Number on Jesse.tv for more about this study.
In the Western world, we believe: “Let me see it first, then I’ll believe…” And in native tribes around the world, the belief is the complete opposite: “Let us first believe and THEN we will SEE…”
So yes – these studies are helpful to us in the West because they speak to us in “our own language.” For many of us, it may be easier to believe that psychedelics have healing properties if we can see that science supports it.
And if that’s how we come to understand the magic of plant medicine – then this is a great starting point! But remember – the shamans of old knew all of this already, they come to the plants with their belief and faith first, and then are rewarded with the benefits that we’re only just now exploring in these scientific studies.
And lastly, let us not forget that psychedelics, such as psilocybin mushrooms, were initially intended to be plant medicines. And for that reason, benefits like increased productivity and creativity are merely the fringe benefits of deeper healing and connection that happens when we invite nature’s medicine to work with us.
Check out TruffleHealing.com if you’re interested in more about going beyond the fringe benefits and entering the traditions of sacred plant medicine.
For more information on Jesse.tv about these studies – check out the following blog articles:
And if you’d like to see the full studies sourced for this article, check out these links:
Microdosing has become one of the biggest trends in the health food/biohacking/conscious entrepreneur/spiritual speaker space. But what is microdosing exactly? In this article, we’ll explore:
It is often said that our children are our greatest teachers. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean we like the way they teach us!
My own children have been teachers to me in so many ways, especially in teaching me to keep my emotions with me; to not reflect my emotions upon someone else. To really understand that my emotions are MY emotions.
And to ask myself: Where are these emotions coming from? What do they say about me? What is it that I have to learn?
(more…)Plant medicine is a pair of goggles.
Just like a virtual reality headset, plant medicine gives us the ability to see life’s “blind spots.” Those blind spots have always been there – we’ve just been…blind to them!
Maybe we are secretly afraid to see them or we’ve been so busy “being busy” that we’re unaware.
So we keep hustling in our career or getting wrapped up in our daily family roles – without looking within.
It is these blind spots that keep our lives small, “safe,” & limited.
(more…)“Will I throw up?”
The is one of the most common fears of plant medicine: So many people ask me this question if they are new to plant medicine – and trust me, I too was afraid before my first plant medicine ceremony!
I didn’t know what to expect and only had biased ideas about plant medicine. So many questions and fears were racing through my mind before my first ceremony.
(more…)If you ignore someone’s (limiting) story, you help them find their truth.
(more…)Spirituality has become a convenience store for so many people, where they can just stop “real quick” and pick up their daily dose of happiness.
This convenience store can look like:
Even though all of these things are indeed part of our spiritual practice, and there is a lot of beauty in reconnecting and reinviting them into your life, they should never become another form of escapism, or spiritual bypassing.
They should never become yet another external factor through which we search happiness.
Ask yourself: “What is my intention for buying these crystals/buying these oils/reading these cards?”
The true spiritual practice is being present with what is real.
And in the end, what is real is love, pure joy, and an awareness of your eternal existence.
However, what will also be real from time-to-time is your pain, your wounds, and your darkness.
Because spiritual practice is about being present with what is real, it is also about being present with the pain, the wounds, and the darkness. It’s about standing still and seeing that in the eye and not being afraid to connect with whatever is going on inside of you.
It’s about not being afraid to be vulnerable to your own pain and your own fear.
I recently became once-again aware that, when things get uncomfortable in my life, I go to strength.
When there is work that needs to be done, or even in ceremony – when the space in ceremony becomes unstable, I go towards my strength.
Yet, true strength is found in the joy, wisdom, and vulnerability of the heart.
For that reason, true strength is not found in our power – it is mostly found in vulnerability.
And through that vulnerability, being able to truly show yourself & see yourself.
The message here is: don’t let a spiritual tool become another search for happiness through an external factor.
Understand that the true spiritual practice is being with what is real.
It’s not always easy, but in the end, it’s the true path that we walk in life.
Expand your practice with me on The Spiritual Game of Business Podcast: