Son, welcome to our family.
Marjolijn & I are pleased to announce the birth of our new baby boy, Olivier Michaël! Marjolijn & Olivier are in good health & our children are so happy to meet their new baby brother!
Oliver Michaël – December 27, 2020
Son, welcome to our family.
Marjolijn & I are pleased to announce the birth of our new baby boy, Olivier Michaël! Marjolijn & Olivier are in good health & our children are so happy to meet their new baby brother!
We had the most beautiful water birth we could have ever dreamed of. After a 42-week pregnancy, my wife was very keen to give birth, to say the least, haha 🙂 And we were also keen to discover its gender.
We had been dreaming of having this child at our house, in the water, next to the Christmas tree & the fire. It was Marjolijn’s dream to receive the baby herself, & that happened.
On the 27th of December, the 5th member of our family & our 3rd child was born. What a blessing, what a miracle. You are so loved, little boy – I can’t wait for our adventure called “Life.” In November, during ceremony, you came to me and told me you’d be a boy & that you wanted your name to be “Michaël.”
Little man, this is my prayer for you:

May you live in health every day you walk this planet.
May you find your heart & your strength.
May you be courageous in your actions & vulnerable in your feelings.
May you shine every day & most of all, shine your love.
May you see yourself & know yourself deeply.
May you be wise in your actions & childlike in your joy.
May you explore & always be curious.
May you walk your true path, the one of becoming & find what you came here to do.
May you live in deep connection to our Mother Earth, your Mother that will always be, to the Great Spirit, & all that lives.
May you find deep connections with every person you meet & love.
May you find joy in every moment.
May you find love, & most of all, love yourself.
May your life be one of beauty.
My son, this is my commitment to you, your brother, & your sister:

I will be here to love you.
I will provide you a shoulder to cry on & an ear to listen to you.
I will always find my love for you & return to that love, whatever may happen.
I will provide the support to become your own YOU – to know who YOU are.
I will put my hand on your back & tell you, “You can do it.”
I will reach out my hand whenever you need me, but most of all, teach you how to get up after you fall, so you can do that on your own.
I will be honest with you, even if the truth is hard. Because that is the only thing that makes you grow.
I will feed you, play with you, travel with you, teach you, & most of all love you in every single breath I am given in this life.
l love you,
Your father.
Welcome to our family, Olivier Michaël.
This quote, from the song “Love letters to God,” has touched me & I want to share it with you:
“My love, we are destined to teach these ones to be brave and never run away. Courage is born from the womb on the first light of day.” – Nahko Bear.