Who are “they” to say that I cannot cross a border, or visit my parents in their house and hug them?
Many of us have been taught to see ourselves as separate from God, as separate from Earth, and separate from each other. But it is this mindset that really has brought us deeper into a time of darkness, when we seem to believe we are more different from each other than we are the same. And therefore, we treat each other differently as well, and we allow people in power to implement rules that reinforce this belief as well – like who we can and cannot visit in the past 2 years.
But now is the time for us to see that we’re all ONE.
Because whatever I do to you will always be expressed within myself, too. If I take my anger out on you, I will be experiencing anger within me. And that act of being angry at you is simply a reflection of the anger that lives inside.
And in the same way, when I love you, when I share my love with you, you’ll be sharing that love just as much as I’ll be sharing that love. We’ll both be sharing in that love – there is no separation.
This post is about why I think we are all part of something big happening in humanity – a Great Awakening to the fact that we are not separate.
In this article, you’re going to learn about…
- The Dark Times we’ve been living in
- The reason why Separation is an illusion
- The Great Awakening that is happening right now.
The darkness we live in
The Latin word for minister is “Servant” – it is he or she who serves the people of a country.
And as the last few years have unfolded, I find myself questioning the way our “servants” are serving us…
Who is any leader to say that I cannot cross a border – on the planet where we were all born?
Who are they to say that I need to distance myself from the people that I love?
That I cannot celebrate my life with the people that I love?
And who are they to censor doctors?
Who are they to say what we can and cannot do?
Who are they to take away fundamental rights that allow people to run their businesses, saying that the only way out is the vaccine?
Anyone saying there is only one way out is limited in his perception – it is not a true search or discovery for multiple solutions. It’s not about collectively deciding how we can get out of this together – it is a very narrow point of view.
These are dark times that we are living in. The passivity, the acceptance, and the shame.
Passivity and shame amongst us
In the past two years, there has been so much passive acceptance of government regulations – of government taking away fundamental freedoms that people have.
“Well they know what they’re doing. I’ll just follow them.”
So many people are just passively accepting the government’s “best judgment.” But I can’t help but ask:
When are you thinking for yourself?
Where is the inner search for your own intuition for what’s true and what’s right?
Where is your strength and voice to express what you truly believe?
Are you living your fear of being rejected by expressing your truth, and that you’ll be seen as a “conspiracy theorist?”
Or are you finding true freedom of expression, staying connected to what you truly believe?
For so many people, it’s easier to passively accept the “status quo” rather than think critically, or to make purposeful research to understand their true opinion.
And furthermore, it’s so easy for those passive people to shame you if you voice your concern.
Shame for saying or believing anything that is not in-line with the narrative of governments around the world, and also, shame from those who question the government.
There is a division in the world, rooted in shame on each other:
“You’re not vaccinated so you’re ‘irresponsible,’ ‘part of the problem,’” etcetera.
And people who are not vaccinated are thinking the same thing: “Shame on you, you’re going on without questioning anything. Think for yourself…”
There’s a reason that we unconsciously behave like this, and it’s something that we’ve inherited from generations long ago.
The one thing we have all inherited
We are all born on this same planet.
The borders, the socio-economic divisions, the hierarchies – these are all in our mind. We as a society have created these divisions, but they are just an illusion.
But this illusion, this idea of separation, it is an idea that we inherited. Somehow we have inherited the idea that we are separate from each other, from Mother Earth, from God – even a separation within us between our mind, our body, our soul.
We inherited this belief from generations past – and now, we live a life as a member of a society that only further reinforces that idea of separation.
But none of this is true.
If I take my anger out on you, I will be experiencing anger within me.
When I love you, when I share my love with you, you’ll be sharing that love just as much as I’ll be sharing that love. We’ll both be sharing in that love – there is no separation.
The illusion of division
Many religions in the world, such as Christianity, want you to believe that God lives outside of us. They teach us what God says, “The word of the Lord.” And one religion might believe that God says one thing, while another might believe another, but in the end – they are still teaching that God is separate.
But in shamanic/spiritual traditions, the essence is that there’s no separation at all: “I am part of God because he is part of me. I can directly communicate to God and hear what he has to say. He speaks to me through subtle signals in my life. Because even though he has 1,000 names, it’s all the same spirit.”
And the reason I strongly believe that this is true is because, if you think about it: you are built from this Earth. You are more a child of the Earth than you are a child from your mother. Even though your mother birthed you – how did your mother grow to be the person she is? By eating and drinking the nutrients supplied by Mother Earth. Even though it’s our mother that gives birth to us, we are created from the same thing that created her: Mother Earth. There is no separation – Mother Earth and ourselves are built from the same materials.
Therefore, separation is the biggest of all illusions.
And it is one of the most problematic illusions that we have inherited.
Because when people believe they are separate, they feel justified in treating you differently than they do themselves. And isn’t this pretty much at the root of all hate and war?
If you understand that we are not separate – that we are all one and connected – then you will think twice about how you treat me.
Because whatever I do to you will always be expressed within myself, too. If I take my anger out on you, I will be experiencing anger within me. And that act of being angry at you is simply a reflection of the anger that lives inside.
And in the same way, when I love you, when I share my love with you, you’ll be sharing that love just as much as I’ll be sharing that love. We’ll both be sharing in that love – there is no separation.
Whether we choose the path of anger and other lower emotions, or we choose the path of love, we are all one. What I do to you is what I do to myself.
For that reason, separation is an illusion. The core law on our Earth is the law of reciprocity. We all live as part of that one harmony. The one big ecosystem that Earth is: we can choose to be damaging to that ecosystem, or we can be supportive.
Pure love is part of that harmony – that which we give is what will return to us – individually, and as a humanity.
We are all free to believe what we want to believe.
I accept your freedom and you can accept mine. Now is a massive opportunity for all of us to be respectful and understanding of the freedom that we all have. I love you because you are a fellow human, I will love you regardless of whatever you believe, and I trust that you are living this life with the right intentions.
The Great Awakening
In a way, this division and separation has been a gift, because it awakens us to its illusion.
Because we can see the division, we can also see beyond it: that we are no different at all.
This is where I believe we are in a Great Awakening.
Awakening to the truth, awakening to our truth, and awakening to our unity.
With this awakening comes a process of healing.
We are in that time of healing, and this healing work is always done by being still and allowing space inside of us to expand through what we are experiencing.
It is done through giving loving awareness to whatever we experience – the emotions, the thoughts, the pain of the past – we allow ourselves to sit with it by giving it our breath and feeling it.
We fully experience whatever it is, by sitting with our eyes closed and giving it room for an hour, or multiple hours. We allow it to be and we allow it to go through us.
In this process, we can also consciously choose how we wish to perceive it. Rather than being enslaved to the unconscious decisions that we have made in the past (or that were made for us), we allow ourselves the space to feel it, and to choose to see it in a different light.
Because we know that when we feel it, we heal it.
Through feeling anything, we automatically give it space, and this is what allows us to see it from a new perspective.
All healing is a matter of finding new perspectives.
Collective healing for a collective wound
My take on the Great Awakening is the fact that – through these dark times of separation, through governments forcefully mandating what you can or cannot do, what you should be believing, and then shaming you if you believe something else – more and more people are awakening to the illusion of separation.
More and more people are acknowledging this inherited wound of separation, and they are doing the work of healing that wound. By sitting with the discomfort of thinking differently, of questioning, and of understanding their truth in all of this. Sitting with that, and finding love and unity for others even if they think differently.
And through that, more are awakening to the realization that we are not separate – but that we are ONE.
One with ourselves, one with each other, one with Mother Earth, and one with the Great Spirit.
And when you live in that place of one-ness, you understand that we may all live in harmony despite different opinions.
The Great Awakening is a collective healing of the inherited wound of separation.