The rare ability all great writers, artists and visionaries have – yet most people never develop (or just accidentally experience)

This post is also available in: Nederlands (Dutch)

I want to invite you to make room in your life to develop a new ability. An ability that, once developed, will change your life forever. You have already seen this ability in others and you already have this ability in you! The only difference is whether you are aware or unaware of it. In this video, I’ll tell you more about it.

I am talking about the ability to make your goals, dreams and visions come to you. To make room for something larger than yourself. Great writers, visionaries and artists have not “thought up” their creations from their mind. They have made room for inspiration and a greater vision and have brought this into the world through their creativity. We all know the example of being in the shower and suddenly having a flurry of inspiration or a good idea. In the video I tell you how this ability develops further.

Watch the video below

In this video you’ll discover

  • What ability will change your life if you develop it more consciously
  • How you can let go of old identifications and patterns that no longer serve you
  • What you can do if you need extra help and guidance on your path

Insight in this video

What we have done so far in this video series is calm the fight-or-flight mechanism in our brain. By connecting deeper, through deep breathing and silence, with your body, your feelings and your emotions. In this way we make room for new inspiration, new ideas and new visions. I keep repeating that, because this doesn’t happen overnight. It’s something you’re training step by step. Of course there are many more ways, tools and aids for this, and if you need it, I have an extensive coaching program. A year program, where together we walk the path of awareness with the help of the medicine wheel as the shamans use it. A path on which we let go of old stories and identifications that no longer serve us. On which we heal old emotions that still hold us back in the here and now. So that we live more and more of our full potential.  

Questions to ask yourself

Take a moment to evaluate. Do you recognise what I am saying in the video? What are the moments this was already there in your life? When did you receive an idea or a vision and how? Perhaps in a dream, when you were in the bath or in the shower, or gardening? Perhaps on vacation or when you were meditating? You too have already had these experiences. If you learn to trust that you too have this ability, you will be able to develop it further.

Also try to pay attention to what you dream. Put a notepad next to your bed and write down the dreams so that you can actually remember them. 

I look forward to seeing you in the tenth video.


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